Every body is unique
Cancer treatments should be too

After receiving a cancer diagnosis, there are several tests that can help you learn more about your specific tumor. The 3D Predict™ test is one of them. It can show you which chemotherapy drugs will be most effective in your case—and just as importantly, which won’t.
How the 3D Predict test works

As part of standard care, your doctor will remove a piece of your tumor through a surgical biopsy or resection.

Our special technology lets us grow a 3-dimensional (3D) model of your cancer cells to recreate your own tumor in the lab.

This 3D model is made under strict and certified conditions in our lab. We can create a thousand of these models to test different treatments.

By studying how your cancer cells respond in this 3D model, we can predict how they might react to different treatments.

Your doctor will receive your test results within 7 to 10 days. Using this information, you and your doctor can discuss the treatment plan that is likely to work best for you before treatment even starts.
The Difference Between 3D Predict and Genetic Testing
3D Predict
Genetic Testing
We use live cancer cells from your tumor to see how chemotherapy drugs will affect them.
The results are based on actual cell death in the laboratory.
Your doctor will receive the results in 7 to 10 days and use them to help guide your treatment.
Most genetic tests use dead tissue to see what types of cells your tumor is made up of and how it grows.
The results show a static snapshot of your tumor’s genetic makeup.
Your doctor may have to wait weeks for results and can use them in addition to 3D Predict to help guide your treatment.
High-grade glioma is one of the most complex and aggressive cancers. That’s why we developed 3D Predict Glioma as our first test.