Shuford S, Wilhelm C, Rayner M, et al. Prospective validation of an ex vivo, patient-derived spheroid model for response predictions in newly diagnosed ovarian cancer. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):11153.
Shuford S, Lipinski L, Abad A, et al. Prospective prediction of clinical drug response in high-grade gliomas using an ex vivo 3D cell culture assay. Neurooncol Adv. 2021;3(1).
Reed MR, Lyle AG, De Loose A, et al. A functional precision medicine pipeline combines comparative transcriptomics and tumor organoid modeling to identify bespoke treatment strategies for glioblastoma. Cells. 2021;10(12):3400.
Appleton KM, Elrod AK, Lassahn KA, Shuford S, Holmes LM, DesRochers TM. PD-1/PDL1 checkpoint inhibitors in combination with olarparib display antitumor activity in ovarian cancer patient-derived three-dimensional spheroid cultures. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2021;70(3):843-856.
Ledford A, Rodriguez A, Lipinski L, et al. Functional prediction of response to therapy prior to therapeutic intervention is associated with improved survival in patients with high-grade glioma. Sci Rep. 2024;14:19474.
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
April 17, 2023
Preclinical testing of therapeutic biologics using patient-derived 3D spheroids.
April 16, 2023
Perfused patient-derived tumor organoid models with autologous immune cells for preclinical drug development.
June 5, 2022
Abstract ID 2031: Clinical application of a functional 3D ex vivo test to predict therapeutic response in patients with HGG: A progression-free survival analysis.
April 13, 2022
Dissecting personalized PD-1 inhibitor efficacy using patient-derived 3D spheroids.
April 12, 2022
3D Predict™, an analytically and clinically validated platform for evidence-based functional precision medicine.
Organoids standardized to a clinically validated drugs response assay for truly predictive in vitro drug response profiling.
April 10, 2022
Ex vivo 3D drug response profiling of XPDX-derived tumor cells for acceleration of preclinical drug development.
Ex vivo 3D culture of adenoid cystic carcinoma PDX models recapitulate disease biomarkers and predict drug response.
Engineered 3D tissues facilitate preclinical immunotherapy studies in fully human platforms.
Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO)
November 18, 2022
Functional ex vivo testing prospectively identifies newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients sensitive to temozolomide treatment irrespective of MGMT methylation status.
Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC)
November 11, 2022
Abstract #162: Detecting T-cell reinvigoration and persistence using patient-derived ex vivo three-dimensional spheroid models.
Analyzing the modeling of T-cell specific immunotherapies
Kiyatec’s innovative ex vivo human tumor models, featuring a combination of tumor cells, stromal cells, and autologous immune cells, serve as a crucial tool in mitigating risks in preclinical immunotherapy development. These models enable the study of T-cell persistence and activity within ex vivo cultures, showcasing their potential utility in assessing T-cell specific therapies, including checkpoint inhibitors, bispecifics, and cellular therapies.
Presented by Tessa DesRochers, PhD 7th Tumor Models for Immuno-Oncology Summit January 25, 2023 San Francisco
Videos & Podcasts
Ex vivo 3D cell culture technology for predicting individualized therapeutic response.
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Microtumor technology for investigating long-term drug response.
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CEO Eric Perreault featured on episode 125 of the Venture in the South podcast.
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Case studies
Session 1 presented April 25, 2023, powered by OncoLens
Dr. Kester A. Phillips Medical Director, Neuro-Oncology Swedish Neuroscience Institute
Dr. Zachary Litvack Co-Director, Neurosurgery Swedish Neuroscience Institute
Case 1: 65-year-old male presenting with seizures
Diagnosis: GBM, WHO grade IV Location: Right temporal occipital region Molecular markers: MGMT unmethylated, IDH & ATRX wildtype, EGFR amplified Recurrence at 1 year
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Case 2: 23-year-old male
Diagnosis: Epithelioid GBM, WHO Grade IV Location: Right parietal region Molecular markers: MGMT unmethylated, IDH WT, H3 WT, BRAF V600E mutant, CDK2NA Homozygous Loss Recurrence at 15 months
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Session 2 presented June 9, 2023, powered by OncoLens
Dr. Maciej M. Mrugala, MD, PhD, MPH Professor of Medicine and Neurology Comprehensive Neuro-Oncology Program Mayo Clinic Phoenix, Arizona
Case 1: 37-year-old female
Original diagnosis (2008): Oligoastrocytoma, WHO grade II Location: Right frontal region 5 Recurrences Pathology (2023): High-grade astrocytoma Molecular markers: IDH mutant, high TMB & MSI
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Case 2: 33-year-old female
Diagnosis (2019): HGG, WHO Grade IV Location: Right parietal region Recurrence at 2 years Molecular markers: BCOR alteration, MSI
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Session 3 presented August 15, 2023, powered by OncoLens
Analiz Rodriguez, MD, PhD, MBA, FAANS Director of Neurosurgical Oncology Associate Professor and Vice Chair of Research Department of Neurosurgery University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Case 1: 25-year-old male
Original diagnosis (2019): Li Fraumeni Location: Left temporal region Pathology: GBM Progressions: 5 surgeries for recurrent disease, Ommaya for intrathecal therapy
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Case 2: 5-year-old male with Grade 4 IDHm astrocytoma in 2020
Original diagnosis (2013): WHO grade 2 astrocytoma 3rd craniotomy in 2019: WHO grade 3 astrocytoma 4th craniotomy in 2020: WHO grade 4 astrocytoma
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Case 3: 59-year-old male with new onset seizures
Original diagnosis (2022): Presumed HSV Encephalitis Location: Left temporal region Central necrosis heterogeneous enhancement edema at 1 month
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Session 4 presented February 22, 2023, powered by OncoLens
Yazmin Odia, MD, MS, FAAN Chief of Neurology Oncology Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute
Case 1: 69-year-old female presented with balance issues, left facial droop, and left leg weakness
Pathology: WHO grade 4 glioblastoma, IDH-wildtype, MGMT unmethylated Location: Right temporal lobe Progression at 1 year
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Case 2: 42-year-old female presented with headache, generalized tingling, and facial numbness
Pathology: WHO grade 4 glioblastoma, IDH-wildtype, MGMT unmethylated Location: Lateral right frontal Progression at 6 months
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Case 3: 67-year-old female with seizures
Pathology: WHO grade 4 glioblastoma BRAF-V600E mutation Location: Right temporoparietal Progression at 7 years after treatment holiday
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Case 4: 62-year-old male presented with expressive aphasia